The Band Whose Name Is A Symbol (TBWNIAS)

The idea for TBWNIS was born in the spring of 2008 by Mark McIntyre (Red Hots/Weapons Of Mass Seduction) & John Westhaver (Exploding Meet/Resin Scraper), bass and drums respectively. The two were fresh off 4 years as the rhythm section of a garage psych outfit called Four ‘N’ Giv’r; who released 2 full length albums and played many shows, sharing stages with Lost Sounds, King Khan & BBQ, the Dirtbombs, Bellrays and many others.
Finding 2 guitarists, William Guerrero (Weapons Of Mass Seduction/Expatriates) and Nathaniel Hurlow (Dead City Rebels/Glads/Fortunate Sons), the four set about creating the ultimate marriage of improvisation and hard rock edged psychedelic music. Coinciding with the groups 1st gig in the fall of 2008, TBWNIS self released a ltd. edition lathe cut album (40 copies). The lathe was subsequently followed by 2 vinyl only LPs (100 copies each) entitled “Superficial Marks” and “Biker Smell”.
Since April of 2011 TBWNIS have been performing and recording as a 6 piece group. The current lineup includes Jason Vaughan (ex-Cold Coffee & Salty Boots) on electronics/keys/percussion, Dave Reford (Castor) on guitar and percussion and Flecton Big Sky on guitar. LP’s that have been released during this period include “TBWNIS Vs. The Purveyors of Conspicuous Authenticity” (2011), “Punks, Twats and Urban Cowboys” and ”TBWNIS and Damo Suzuki Live 2012”. March 2013 saw the release of the groups 7th LP entitled “Scrappy Little Jaw”. As per usual all LPs are ltd. to 100 copies on the Birdman Sound record label. In 2015 “Pathfinder” was issued and there was a second re-pressing of 100 copies done as well. In November 2015 The group had their album “Masters Of The Molehill” released on the prestigious UK label Cardinal Fuzz!
TBWNIS sounds like Hawkwind meets Acid Mothers Temple with Krautrock, progressive and middle-eastern tones.